

目前顯示的是 8月, 2012的文章

SIGUR ROS - Ara Batur 歌詞

容我直說,這首歌在我心中的地位大概跟跳進水坑不相上下,不過卻連正式的英文翻譯都沒有。這首歌的英翻取自網友,正確性有待考察。   you've tried it all 你嘗試過了無數次 yes, a thousand times 數也數不清 experienced enough 經驗早已足夠 come through enough 一切都已完整 but it was you who 你就是那個 let it all into my heart 進入我內心的人 and it was you who 你就是那個 once again quickened my spirit 再次讓我靈魂發熱的人 i left, you left 我們道別彼此 you stir up 你挑起的 emotions 情緒 in a blender 像在果汁機裡絞拌似的 You tried everything 你什麼都嘗試過了 Yes, a thousand times 是的,不下一千次的試驗 Experienced enough 經驗早已足夠 Been through enough 一切都已完成 But you it was who let everything 你就是那個人 Into my heart 我內心的一切 and you it was who once again 你就是那個 Awoke my spirit 再次喚醒我靈魂脈動的人 I parted, you parted 我們向彼此道再見 You stir up 你挑起的 Emotions 情緒 In a blender 在漩渦裡攪動 Everything in disarray 萬物秩序分崩離析 But it was you who was always 但你就是那個 There for me 永遠為我守候的人 It was you who never judged 你永遠不會評斷我 My true friend 我真心的摯友 I parted, you parted 我們向彼此道再見 (hopelandic) You sail on rivers 你在河流上航行著 With a


We have no future 我們沒有未來 Heaven wasn't made for me 天堂不歡迎我們 We burn ourselves to hell 我們生來就屬地獄 As fast as it can be 每活著的一天就離死亡越發接近 And I wish that I 我真希望我能 Could be the king 當個主宰自己命運的王 Then I'd know that I am not alone 然後我領悟到,我並不孤獨 Maggots put on shirts 蛆蟲在皮肉裡鑽動 Sell each other shit 用汙穢施予彼此 Sometimes I feel so worthless 有時我真感覺自己像一個廢物 Sometimes I feel discarded 有時我真感到自己就像垃圾 I wish that I was good enough 我真希望我足夠好 Then I'd know that I am not alone 然後我領悟到,我並不孤獨 Death is policeman 死亡就像警察 Death is a priest 死亡是我們的牧者 Death is a stereo 死亡是真實存在的 Death is T.V 死亡窺視著我們 Death is the tarot 死亡是我們的未來 Death is an angel and 死亡是至高的天使 Death is our God, killing us all 死亡是我們的神靈,祂把我們全都殺光 She put the seeds in me 她在我身上種下痛苦的種子, Plant this dying tree 澆灌這垂死的樹 She's a burning string 她是這燃燒的詛咒 And I'm just the ashes 而我的肉身只是塵土 She put the seeds in me 她在我身上種下痛苦的種子 Plant this dying tree 澆灌這垂死之樹 She's a burning string 她是這燃燒的詛咒 And I'm jus