

目前顯示的是 4月, 2012的文章


嗯…雍希作同性戀多年來第一次感受到外界壓力嗎?這次我看到歌詞的想法。 我參考了三種不同版本的歌詞,並選擇性刪除跟代換我認為的部分。其中"And I say goodnight"我根本就沒聽到,但三版歌詞都有這一句,所以我就用括號留著了。 這是一首痛苦且吸引的人歌,歌詞意像很像電影般地蒼白優美。 There's a rainbow on your red bicycle 在你紅色腳踏車上的彩虹貼紙 And I see it in your eyes 倒映在你的眼瞳裡 You wipe your wet nose with your icicle sleeve 你用冰冷的袖子抹抹鼻水氾濫的鼻頭 And you fold it twice 你把袖口反摺了兩次 Your eyes : In the middle of the road 你的眼睛;正緊盯著馬路中央看 Your eyes : It's the same story 你的雙眼;這不過是同樣的劇碼 I see they're drowning now 你的雙眼浸滿淚水 I see they're all done 你的神情說明一切已經結束 I see they're drowning now 你的雙眼浸滿淚水 You see they hold enough dew 你的眼眶已然滿溢淚水 You fall from a stone and I kiss red lips 你的淚水沉重如石一去不回,當我輕吻你的紅唇 And I follow you home 我跟著你到家門口 You wipe tears away with your icicle sleeve 你用冰冷的袖口抹去眼淚 And you fold it twice 你把袖口反摺了兩次 (And I say goodnight) (我向你道晚安) Your eyes : They're closing in the night 你的雙眼;在月光下它們緊閉 Your eyes : It's the same story 你的雙眼;這只不過是陳腔濫調 You see they're dro


其實我想翻整張《我們買了動物園》的原聲帶。可是跳進水坑跟GO DO都有人翻了…掉進水坑(?)是翻得很好我沒話說,可是GO DO那個人翻太爛了我整個好囧啊。 另外中文跟英文其實沒什麼太大關聯,將就點吧。 And then I heard you 宛如森林中精靈的低語 You made me long for To be a part of 驅使著我探究那深處秘密 Something that I can’t see 使我成為其中一員 A life that is beyond 生命總是超乎想像  Something that I can’t fear To be a part of 驅使著我迎向冒險 The story - it belongs to you 那些生命故事—它們皆屬於你! Something you said was 你說了一則故事 About a pen and a paper 是有關一支筆和一張紙 You can always write it 你總是能用它們創造一個新視界 It is something you'll have to do 這就是你將要做的事 Gathering stories 收集故事吧! A story - it belongs to you 一個屬於你的故事! They say that it’s gone now 其他人說這只是一派胡言, You know that I disagree 但你知我並不同意 I barely hear you 雖然我幾乎聽不見你的信號, The signal is cold now 只剩一片冰冷雜訊 So turn it into video —既然如此就打開電視吧! Tune the radio 打開收音機 Sing along 大聲唱 To all our favorite songs 所有我們朗朗上口的歌 The signal is growing 信號開始增強 Out in little pieces 夜幕的碎片開始剝落 And watch in a moment 我們駐足觀賞 Secure it for falling 確保它們不會砸到任何人 Over the s


"All quiet on the set- 所有東西正安靜的設置完畢 Now, put your heads 現在把你的頭 Back in to the sand 埋進沙子裡吧 And wait to hear your name called." 等著叫到你的名字 The piss-poor defense 家徒四壁的人的最後防線 Of an army of yes men 竟是只有應聲蟲的破爛軍隊 Force-fed a diet born of textual corruption. 照著早已生鏽的古板條例,掰開他們嘴灌滿飼料 Oh, the horror! 喔,真是恐怖 A grim thing to behold, Hanging by our 恐懼高掛我們心中 Necks from the bible belt. 聖經的一字一句在血液裡蔓延 Let the words read 流經脖子,方便閱讀 "We bit the hand that feeds." 我們有點恩將仇報 Oh, the horror! 喔,恐怖 We did this to ourselves. 我們對自己恩將仇報 So, in our scramble to 所以我們爭得頭破血流、踐踏彼此的身軀 Avoid being the nail that is sticking out the most 就為了逃離被釘子穿刺的千瘡百孔的命運 We seem to have left just a few things behind; 我們看似已經遠走高飛,只是有些事情的背後並不單純 Our sense of decency, some pieces of James Byrd. 我們營照出正義的假象,在詹姆斯布萊德(*1)被棄屍的泥濘路上 No matter what, don't look them in the eyes. 不論是什麼、不論怎樣的慘死,他們都不放在眼裡 Oh, the horror! 喔,真是恐怖 A grim thing to behold, Hanging by our 恐懼高掛我們心中 Necks from the bib


其實我不喜歡這首歌,當初是為了點數才翻的。 I want to cut through my skin 我想放下這身累贅肉體 And pull you within 與你的靈魂結合 My heart burns like the sun 我的心像太陽般燃燒 As our flesh becomes one 只因我們的肉體也在那火焰中燃盡 In The Darkness, my heart aches at the sight of you 在無盡黑暗中,我心因遍尋不著你而感到陣陣絞痛 Trembles and quakes when inside of you 你的身子顫抖,內心宛如經歷浩劫般不安 In The Darkness 在黑暗中顫抖 Our bodies burning, tides are turning, somehow stopping time 我們的身體開始燃燒,痛苦像潮汐一波波襲來,不知何時才停止 What is becoming of my heart and mind? 我心志與思想將被什麼取代? In The Darkness, all that you want from me, is all I have to give 在無垠黑暗中,你想從我這裡帶走的我不得不給 In The Darkness, coming so easily, learning how to live 在一片黑暗中,我不得不學習如何活下去 In The Darkness, all that you want from me, is all I have to give 在無垠黑暗中,你想從我這裡帶走的我不得不給 In The Darkness, coming so easily, learning how to live 在一片黑暗中,我不得不學習如何活下去 I will surrender my soul 我將會放棄我的靈魂 And give you control 並將其掌控權交由於你 Make a martyr for love 為愛所犧牲 To the heavens above 來到天堂之上 In The Darkness, my heart aches at the


這次的中翻有點勉強,嗯。 Sitting in the dark, I can't forget. 獨坐黑暗中嘗試忘卻一切 Even now, I realize the time I'll never get. 我瞭解到時間是我不曾擁有過的 Another story of the Bitter Pills of Fate. 一如藥丸般苦澀的命運 I can't go back again. 我再也回不去了 I can't go backagain... 我無法再走回頭路了... But you asked me to love you and I did. 但你要求我再次愛你且我如實照辦 Traded my emotions for a contract to Commit. 我的感情像一紙合同任你交易 And when I got away, I only got so far. 我離開時惟一所得到的報償便是 The Other Me Is Dead. 另一個心如死灰槁木的自己 I hear his voice inside my head... 在內心深處我聽見他的低語 We were never alive, 我們活的再也沒有意義 and we won't be born again. 我們不能再重頭來過了 But I'll never survive with Dead Memories in my heart. 我永遠無法從褪色的記憶中逃開 With Dead Memories in my heart. 我的心受死去的回憶糾纏 with Dead Memories in my heart. 死亡的記憶與我心形影不離 You told me to love you and I did. 你央求我愛你且我如實照辦 Tied my soul into a knot 我的靈魂深陷綑綁 and got me to submit. 使我的意志不得不屈服 So when I got away, 當我終於遠走高飛時 I only kept my scars. 唯一剩下的就是佈滿我心的傷痕 The Other Me Is Gone.


Distant is the world you knew 遠方地平線上屹立著你所知的世界 Faded and worn, 褪色且磨損的世界 vacant and torn 空洞而飽受蹂躪的記憶 Memories go back to days so gray 記憶倒回灰色的昨日 Welcome to my new reality 歡迎來到我的世界 Feel me 感受我 Won't you breathe me 你的氣息降臨於我 Please me, come sweet death 請降臨於我吧,甜蜜之死 Fragments from a lost eternity 從失落永恆的夾縫裡淬煉出的片段 Yesteryear built, yesterday burnt 昔日的輝煌,昔日的毀滅 What's seeming endless is nothing but a lifetime 看似遙無止境的生命其實轉瞬即逝 Join my final journey 加入我最後旅程吧 Feel me 感受我 Won't you breathe me 你的氣息降臨於我 Please me, come sweet death 請降臨於我吧,甜蜜之死 And as I open my eyes 當我睜開我的雙眼 I kneel for the new born horizon 我跪倒於新生世界邊緣的晨曦 Taste me, another me 品嚐我,另一個我 Why can't you heal me 為甚麼你不能治癒我 Won't you speak to me 你會不會告訴我 Join me, oh sweet death 加入我,喔甜蜜死亡 And as I open my eyes 當我睜開我的雙眼 I kneel for the new born horizon 我跪倒於新生世界邊緣的晨曦 Embrace me, another me 擁抱我,另一個我


雖然再往回看這些以往的翻譯顯得很差勁,但翻譯畢竟還是要讓其他人看到。 Liars,Liars,Liars, 騙徒、騙徒、騙徒! How far is far enough? 多遠才是夠遠? When will you stop this? 你什麼時候才會停止胡扯? Just when is your work done? 你的任務什麼時候才結束? Who do you think you are? 你以為你是誰? Children, 孩子們 Playing dress-up with dad's guns? 裝扮得像父親、把玩著他的槍 Shouting orders 嘴裡喊著指令 From bitter blackened lungs- 吸菸燻黑的肺、(它很痛苦) The grandest drunken brawl- 酒醉聚眾鬥毆、(這很雄偉) The talking heads will praise your valor. 名嘴會讚美你的勇氣 The crimson gore of the martyr bathed in the light of the sun 在太陽底下曝曬、烈士的鮮紅血塊 A monolith forged in fire 龐然大物引發火災 Praised by poisoned tongues. 因為它深受毒害的舌 The sheep, when led to the slaughter, 羊阿、當牠被帶往屠宰場時 Despite their urges to run, 儘管牠裹足不前 Must heed the calls of their shepherds 卻還是得聽從牧羊人的話 Until there are none. Liars. 直到再也沒有、騙子! Vultures,Cowards in the sky, 禿鷹是天空裡的懦夫 Are now descending 而牠們成群降臨 On the bones of what has died. 直到枯骨上再也沒有什麼 Their mothers must be so proud of them 牠們的母親一定很自豪 For doing just as they wer