

目前顯示的是 6月, 2012的文章


There are children standing here, 孩子們矗立於天空下 Arms outstretched into the sky, 張開手臂揮舞 Tears drying on their face. 淚水在他們臉上逐漸乾去 He has been here. 他一直在這裡 Brothers lie in shallow graves. 他的兄弟躺在淺墳裡 Fathers lost without a trace. 父親已不知去向 A nation blind to their disgrace, 國家無視他們所蒙恥辱 Since he's been here. 因他一直矗立於此 And I see no bravery, 我看不到勇氣 No bravery in your eyes anymore. 在你的眼裡勇敢消失無蹤 Only sadness. 只留下悲傷 Houses burnt beyond repair. 宅邸被燒燬無法修復 The smell of death is in the air. 死亡的氣息瀰漫於每一處 A woman weeping in despair says, 婦女在絕望中哭泣 He has been here. 他一直在這裡 Tracer lighting up the sky. 探照燈點亮天空 It's another families' turn to die. 另一個家庭逐漸破碎四分五裂直至死去 A child afraid to even cry out says, 孩子害怕的哭泣 He has been here. 他一直在這裡 And I see no bravery, 我看不見勇氣 No bravery in your eyes anymore. 在你眼裡我再也看不出勇敢 Only sadness. 只有哀傷 There are children standing here, 孩子們矗立於天空下 Arms outstretched into the sky, 張開手臂揮舞 But no one asks the question why, 但沒有人提出質疑 He has


我在YOUTUBE的網友意見欄看到,有人說這首歌是雍希在跟艾力克斯坦白他欺騙了他的事。雖然我不太信,不過那個情況一定很有意思。 I want him to know 我想要他知道 What I have done 我做了甚麼... I want him to know 我想要他了解 It's bad 我做的壞事 I want him to know 我想要他知道 What I have done 我做了甚麼 I want him to know 我想要他了解 Right now 現在就了解 It may be this time tomorrow 或許明天的這個時候 or maybe today 又或者是今天 It is not right 他就會知道,不 Now it's better 現在正是時候 Now we'll know 現在我們會知悉 Now he'll know what I am feeling 現在他將會曉得我的感受 I'm sitting with you 我與你並肩坐著 Sitting in silence 沉默地坐著 Listening to birds 靜靜聆聽鳥鳴 It feels like home 感覺像是回到從前的故土 Singing in tune together 我們一起唱著特定的調子 A psalm for no one 唱著自由自在的詩篇 They sing in tune 牠們唱著, ''Birdlove - it's strong'' 不離不棄的愛,堅定的愛 They sing into the night now 牠們唱著直至深夜 They sing on for me 牠們為我歌唱 They sing into the night, and 牠們高唱直至夕陽西下,而 You... 你...