

目前顯示的是 10月, 2019的文章

NF WHY 中文歌詞

我原本懶得翻的因為很簡單 但看了解析覺得太屌了,網友分析的非常有道理,這首歌就是他的自問自答,所以我完全是照那個網友的思路翻譯的 我把他的一問一答用空格分開,所以你會看到他一句有自信一句又變的消極 Yeah, what's your definition of success? (ay) 你對成功的定義是甚麼? I don't trust the thoughts that come inside my head (woo) 我不相信那些瀰漫在腦海的胡思亂想 I don't trust this thing that beats inside my chest 也不相信在我胸腔裡的每個心跳震顫 Who I am and who I wanna be cannot connect; 真正的我跟我想成為的永遠無法有交集 why? 為甚麼? Don't think I deserve it? 我不覺得我值得 -  You get no respect (woo)I just made a couple mil', 你需要振作起來繼續努力 still not impressed 仍舊毫無進展 - Let You Down goes triple platinum, “Let You Down”拿了三倍白金唱片欸  yeah, okay, okay, I guess (ay) 好啦好啦 隨你說 Smile for a moment then these questions startin' to fill my head, 但正當我開始感到好過一點 那些疑問又都回來了 not again! 別又來了! - I push away the people that I love the most; 我把我深愛的人都推的遠遠的 why? (woo) 為何? - I don't want no one to know I'm vulnerable; 我不想要他們知道我有多脆弱 why? (woo) 為甚麼? - That makes me feel weak and so uncomfortable