

目前顯示的是 3月, 2013的文章


Take my hand lets go, 牽著我的手一起出發 Somewhere we can rest our souls. 尋找一個能讓我們安息的場所 We'll sit where it's warm, 我們會安歇在溫暖之處 You say look we're here alone. 你說我們看起來如此孤單 I was running in circles, 我的生命陷在圓圈的循環裡 I hurt myself, 我傷害我自己 Just to find my purpose. 只是為了找到生命的目的 Everything was so worthless, 萬物都是沒有價值的垃圾 I didn't deserve this, 我卻連這些都配不上 But to me you were perfect. 但對我來說你是最完美的 I'm scattered through this life. 我的生活破碎不堪 If this is life I'll say good-bye. 如果這就是所謂的人生我想我要道再見 She's gone like an angel, 她的來到就像天使降臨 With wings let me burn tonight. 在翅膀遮蔭下我燃燒殆盡 I was running in circles 我的生命陷在無法逃離的循環裡 I hurt myself, 我傷害我自己 Just to find my purpose. 為了找到此生的目的 Everything was so worthless, 萬物都是沒有價值的垃圾 I didn't deserve this, 我卻連這些都配不上 But to me you were perfect. 但對我來說你是最完美的 I see me writing on this paper. 我看見我自己在紙上寫些甚麼 Praying for some savior. 祈禱著救主來到 Wishing to intake her and save her. 能擁她入懷,拯救她 In a world so, so godless. s


這支樂團是挪威一支著名的科技舞曲/黑暗電子/EBM樂隊COMBICHRIST的主唱ANDY另外組成的。目前這支樂隊在2004年發過一張專輯《THIS IS MY BATTLEFIELD》,2006則有過一張《YOUR WORLD IS BURNING》。  If I could believe 如果我能相信 Belief would give me comfort 相信信仰能給我安慰 Believe that what i've done 相信我的所作所為 Made a difference 能讓事情變的不同 That I gave you strength to carry on 當我不在你身邊時 Without me on your side 我希望你能繼續堅持下去 That what we have, Will never be forgotten 我們所擁有過的就永遠不會被遺忘 Will you still be my side? 當死亡擁抱我 When death embraces me? 你還會站在我身邊嗎 Will you give me comfort, 當死亡抱緊我 When death embraces me? 你會給我安慰嗎 Will you still remember me, 當死亡緊擭我時 When death embraces me? 你還會記得我嗎 Will you taste my one last breath, 當死亡捋住我 When death embraces me? 你會淺嚐我最後一口呼吸嗎 I believe in eternity, 我相信永恆 Something's are meant to be 也相信命中注定 What if you suddenly change your mind 但如果你突然改變心意 And leave me here to suffer 留我一個人受苦 What difference would it make 如果天使咯咯大笑 If the angels would be laughing, 在無名的墳物上起舞 Dancing on a grave without a n


在開始講這些事情之前我想先介紹一下DEAD BY APRIL。 DEAD BY APRIL是一支瑞典樂團,成立於2007年,曲風是另類金屬+旋律核,內地網友稱之哥登堡死神。 他們的特色是金屬味加上抽掉吼腔就能進攻主流市場的旋律,嚴格來講不算非常純正的金屬樂隊(對某些死硬派金屬樂迷來說),不過我個人很喜歡他們。 成員如下: Christoffer Stoffe Andersson - 吼腔(取代了吉米) Zandro Santiago – clean vocals 清腔 Alexander Svenningson – drums 鼓 Marcus Wesslén – bass 貝斯 Pontus Hjelm - guitars, keyboards, electronics, backing vocals clean vocals  吉他/鍵盤/合成/和音 雖然如此吉米(JIMMIE STRIMELL)卻是這支樂隊的創團元老之一,他加入DEAD BY APRIL之前隸屬一支金屬樂隊DEATH DESTRUCTION,這支樂隊是比較純正的死亡金屬,我在想這支樂團跟DEAD BY APRIL的曲風過大的差異是不是也是DEAD BY APRIL踢掉JIMMIE STRIMELL的原因之一。 DEATH DESTRUCTION的一首歌: DEAD BY APRIL的曲風: 這首歌雖然沒有用到吼腔,但你也可以看到吉米還是負責了一部分合音。事實上,他在不插電演出中也都負責了大部份的合音。  毫無疑問的JIMMIE STRIMELL是整支樂隊的核心,當DEAD BY APRIL在官網上宣布這個消息時,憤怒的粉絲留言充滿了DEAD BY APRIL的FACEBOOK專頁,他們大多都認為DEAD BY APRIL已經毫無價值了。當然,DEAD BY APRIL的新專輯已經在製作中,等到專輯問世那一天我們就可以知道JIMMIE STRIMELL的離團到底對樂團造成了什麼影響了。  不得不提到的是,其實吉米似乎並不是自願離團的。DEAD BY APRIL的官網中的聲明提到,他們已經受夠了不知道每次巡演吉米到底會不會露面,他們也在聲明中特別提到DEAD BY APRIL是反對毒品的-這似乎在暗示吉米有毒癮? 他們粉絲在臉書留言也提到DEA


兩天之內的第五首! 同樣是收在美國悲劇,情歌曲風的自殺曲(?) My legs are dangling off the edge, 我的腿在牆壁邊緣晃來晃去 The bottom of the bottle is my only friend, 瓶子底的酒才是我的唯一朋友 I think I'll slit my wrists again and I'm gone, gone, gone, gone. 我想我會再割開我的手腕一次,然後我就走了-走了-走了 My legs are dangling off the edge, 我的腿在大樓邊緣晃阿晃的 A stomach full of pills didn't work again, 滿肚子的藥丸卻沒有發揮作用 I'll put a bullet in my head and I'm gone, gone, gone, gone. 我想我會在我的腦子裡放顆子彈,然後我就可以走-走-走得遠遠的 Gone too far and yeah I'm gone again, 走了太遠,是阿我要再次離開 It's gone on too long, tell you how it ends, 走的太久,我要告訴你該如何完結 I'm sitting on the edge with my 2 best friends, 我坐在牆壁邊緣,身邊陪著我的是我最要好的兩個朋友 Ones a bottle of pills, ones a bottle of gin, 一瓶藥丸跟一瓶杜松子酒 I'm 20 stories up, yeah I'm up at the top, 我二十歲故事要結束了,是呀我在大樓的頂端 I'll polish off this bottle, now it's pushing me off, 我會擦亮這些瓶子,它們正推擠著我 Asphalt to me has never looked so soft, 瀝青看起來從沒那麼軟過 I bet my momma found my letter, now shes calling the cops,


我實在把這首歌聽到快爛了………… 阿不過,這應該是HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD少數幾首這麼可愛的歌!順帶一提,HOLLYWOOD UNDEAD的某張專輯(好像叫美國悲劇吧?反正這首也是這張專輯裡的)完全瞬間變身男孩團體,幾乎整張專輯都是抒情歌是怎麼回事阿XDDDDD Pour me, pour me, pour me another, 倒杯酒,接著另一杯,然後再一杯 It holds me, holds me, 酒精緊抱著我 Like no other, 好像我是它最獨一無二的 One more drink, then I swear that I'm going home, 再一杯酒下肚後我暗自發誓該回家了 Truth is, I don't really have a place to go, 然而事實是我無處可去 So pour me, pour me, pour me another. 所以再幫我倒一杯酒吧 I wake up right about the mid-afternoon, 大概在中午之後我才醒來 With the sun in the sky but night's coming soon, 太陽高掛空中夜晚卻即將來臨 And I walk to the mirror just to fix myself, 我走向鏡子把自己整理一番 Yeah life gets harder when you love nothing else, 當你的人生沒有其他目標萬事就變得更加艱難 So I pick my pills from the counter drawer, 我從抽屜拿出我的藥丸 Pick my self-esteem up off the fucking floor, 在從該死的地板上把我自尊撿起來 I guess I'm a man of no recourse, 我猜我是個沒有追索權的傢伙 As I crack another bottle, got no remorse, 正如我沒有悔意的打開另一瓶酒 And I'll say a little prayer for the child in me, 我仍會為我內心的


真的很愛這支團!但他們在台灣大概沒有超過一百個人在聽吧,無論如何。 是說饒舌的歌詞真是曠世難理解(哭)是否不要再翻饒舌歌?  Got three kids, just finishing the third of his three bids 三個孩子,第三順位的三個投標 Sang thief’s theme’s..but said when he returns he’ll get decent 歌頌盜賊的行徑…但他說他會光榮歸來 Police said don’t ever come on back to this district 警察說永遠不要回來 He’s kids can only have contact on the weekend 他跟他的孩子只能在周末碰面 The distance is killing him, he’d die for those boys 與男孩們的距離正在殺死他 Now his wife want divorce, his whole life is destroyed 他的妻子鬧離婚,他的生活正在分裂 There’s no respite for my boy, just years of turbulence 連年的動盪讓我的男孩沒有任何喘息的機會 Some start as burglars 有些人開始當起小偷 then they get shoved with peers whose murderers 相同年紀的人互相殘殺 they turn you to the dark art of streetlife 他們把你推進黑暗的街頭生活 Its where that stairway to heaven’s 通往天堂的階梯 a much larger and steep flight 是巨大又顛簸的飛行 And each night the mission is the same 每天晚上執行著相同任務 Get your fist upon some change, keep your pistol on your waist 給你一些變化,握緊腰間的槍 Now his twisted in the game 現在他是這個遊戲扭曲的中心 a


 I loved you, you made me, hate me. 我愛你,你讓,你讓我痛恨我自己 You gave me hate see? 你給了我憎恨,瞧 It saved me and these tears are deadly. 這些幾乎殺死我的眼淚拯救了我 You feel that? 你感覺到了嗎? I rip back, every time you tried to steal that. 每次你試著偷走它,我就這些眼淚抓得更緊 You feel bad? 你心疼嗎? You feel sad? 你難過嗎? Im sorry hell no fuck that! 我很抱歉不,去你媽的 It was my heart, it was my life, it was my start, it was your knife. 這是我的真心,這是我的生活,這是我所有事物的起頭,那卻是你的刀刃 This strife it dies, this life and these lies. 這些生活這些謊言這些鬥爭都已經死了 These lungs have sung this song for too long, and its true I hurt too remember I loved you 我的肺已經花太多空氣在這首歌上。這是真的,我也受傷了 I've lost it all fell today its all the same 在今天我失去了一切但這些對我來說都是一樣的 I'm sorry oh (I'm sorry) 我恨抱歉(我很抱歉) I'm sorry no (no) 我很抱歉不(不) I've been abused, I feel so used, because of you 我被你濫用,我被你利用 i'm sorry oh (I'm sorry) 我恨抱歉(我很抱歉) I'm sorry no (no) 我很抱歉不(不) I wish I could have quit you 我希望我能離開你 I wish I never missed you and told you tha


饒舌真不是普通難翻。 I wish there was another way out 我真心希望還有別的出路 Voices won't go away 聲音不會消失 They stay for days and days 他們會永遠停留 They say some awful things, ways to make you fade away 他們不停說些可怕事好讓你滾遠一點 I don't think no one's home 我不覺得這裡空無一人 And we're just here alone 這裡只有我們 I better find you first, before you find the phone 在你找到手機之前我最好先找到你 You better run, better run, better run, yeah I'm coming after you 你最好跑快點,趕快跑-跑-跑,因為我就追趕在後 When you're sleeping at night, yeah there's nothing you can do 當你晚上睡覺時你啥都作不了 There's no place you can hide cause I'm coming after you 你無處可躲因為我就追趕在後 I wish there was another way ou-ou-ou-ou-oooouuuut for you 我真希望你還有別的-別的-別的-別的-別的-出路 I wish there was another way ou-ou-ou-ou-oooouuuut for you 我真希望你還有別的-別的-別的-別的-別的-出路 I wish there was another way out 我真希望還有別條路可走 I wish there was another way out 我真希望能有另一條出路 I wish there was another way out 我真希望能有另一條出路 You gave up, I'll check and see 你放棄掙扎,讓我來瞧瞧 No