

目前顯示的是 10月, 2012的文章


馴龍高手的OST,有夠難翻。英冰交雜真的很棘手,還有就是過HIGH的歌詞。 有一些部分真的毫無頭緒........算了意思到就好了嘛。 Eyes open wide, blinded by the sun now 雙眼圓睜,直視刺眼陽光 Orange and white, dark red, green and yellow 澄橘色和白色,暗紅色與黃綠色 Rainbow colors! Do not hide, see the view! 五顏六色如彩虹繽紛,不要躲藏,看看眼前! Step aside, go through! 靠邊站,我要經過咯! Against the light, too strong, blow a fuse now 炫目光線,如此耀眼,燒斷腦海裡的保險絲 Everything bright, new songs, burning shoes 萬物明亮,唱一首新的歌,脫去鞋子 The look in your eyes! Break our bones into half! 睜大眼睛!把骨頭折成兩段! Scream and shout and do laugh! 尖叫大喊歡笑! Let yourself... go (Oh Oh Oh) 跨步向前 Let yourself... go (Oh Oh Oh) 大步往前 Stay close to me 挨近我身邊 Count one, two and three 一,二,三 Up in through your sleeves 揮舞袖子 Bursting through the seams 即使縫線斷裂.... Open your eyes and see - You see 睜開雙眼-你瞧 Inn um ermar, upp hryggjarsúluna 風流經袖口,挺直腰桿 Yfir skóg, flæðir niður brekkuna 在森林裡,像顆球一樣滾下斜坡 Allt upp í loft! Ég mun aldrei gleyma! 在空氣中,我永遠不會遺忘的熱情! Því ég mun aldrei! 永遠不會! Hleypur um, rífur, leysir flækjurnar


好吧,之前說過要翻完我們買了動物園的OST。 首先,我想這首歌一定是在說一隻狗。第二,西番蓮跟南極真的差蠻遠的。 第三,讓我抱怨一下,我真的不想在部落格裡擺上創用CC的標誌,我也不喜歡聲明不要盜文,因為我真他媽覺得我這他媽爛部落格裡的爛東西是他媽的會有哪個人想盜?? 第四,這首歌其實不是在說西番蓮。不過台灣沒有這種水果,翻成黃色百香果又太…… I want to be a lilikoi, Boy Lilikoi 我想成為一個西番蓮,西番蓮男孩 You grind your claws, you howl, you growl unafraid of Hoi Polloi 你磨利你的爪子,你大聲咆哮,對著不畏懼的人群怒吼 You run, you're free, you climb endless trees - You reignite 你奔跑,如此自由。在沒有盡頭的樹林間攀爬跳耀-你像顆星星一般燃燒 You growl, you howl, you show your teeth 你咆哮,你大吼,露出尖銳利齒 You bite, it's alright 你到處亂咬,不過這沒關係 You say no more, use your eyes, the world goes and flutters by 你沉默不語,但在你的眼裡,世界已經開始起舞 Use your eyes, you'll know you are 仔細凝視,你將會知道你是誰 Use your eyes, the world goes and flutters by 在你眼裡,世界早已歡欣跳舞 Use your eyes, you'll know you are 仔細觀察,你將會知道你是誰 Wild beam, wild boy, you burn so bright 男孩,你燃燒的如此耀眼 'Till you illuminate 燃燒直到萬物脫離漆黑 One day you're out, you give up the fight 然而有一天你會離開,你將會放棄 You slow down heart-rate 你的心臟慢慢停止 We all grow old, use


O'Lord save me from my own abuse 喔主啊,將我從自身的咒詛中拯救 O'Lord help me to see the truth 喔主啊,幫助我看清真理 I've been blind for so many years, O'Lord 我如此盲目已經這麼久了,主阿 O'Lord help me be a better man 喔神啊,幫助我成為一個更好的人 O'Lord please help me to understand 喔神啊,請幫助我釐清真理 Why we all must hurt like this, O'Lord 為甚麼我們都非得受重傷,我的主 Hard to keep the faith while falling 當我墜落至最暗處信念已無法繼續 Hard to see your face while crawling 當我在地上掙扎爬行,祢的面容已看不清 Hard to keep the faith while falling down 當我重重跌落,信念都被摔得粉碎  *1 With no one around.... 卻無人關心...... O'Lord help me to control my rage 我主啊幫助我控制自身忿恨 O'Lord tell me it's not to late 我主啊告訴我現在並不遲 I've been angry for way to long,O'Lord 我懷著滿腔憤怒已經太久,我主啊 O God help me get my head on straight 喔我神啊,幫助我行走正直的路 O God take all this booze away 我的神啊,讓這些酒精遠離 I've been locked in a drunken haze O'Lord 醉酒的陰霾將我深深鎖起,我主啊 *1 With no one around 沒有人關心 With no one around 沒有人在意 With no one around 孤單一人 Doing this


It's a beautiful day, but I'm stuck inside. 今天天氣晴朗我卻被困在室內 Staring at this screen, working 9-5. 瞪著螢幕,從早上九點工作到下午五點 How I hate this job, coz the days do drag. 我恨死這份工作了,日子如此艱難 They work me like a dog, and the moneys bad. 他們把我操得像條狗,狗糧卻少得要命 Cheer up cheer up, don't be blue. 振作振作別憂鬱 Don't forget it's hometime soon. 別忘記下班時間快到了 We'll make it through another working day. 我們一定可以撐過一個又一個工作天的 I need a holiday. 我需要一個假日 I need a holiday with my friends. 我需要一個假日跟我朋友一起廝混 I'm working everyday. 整天工作 I'm working everyday for the weekend. 整天工作只為周末 Looking at my watch, for the millionth time. 不知第幾萬次看向手錶 The days go slow, and then the evenings fly. 日子過得如此緩慢,夜晚人生卻飛快流逝 When I'm outta this place, and the days been won. 如果我能逃離,日子就不會白費 I'm going out with my friends, I'm hanging out in the sun. 我要跟朋友大玩特玩,跟太陽混點時間 Cheer up cheer up, don't be blue. 振作起來別憂鬱 Don't forget it's hometime soon. 別忘記下班時間快到了 We'll make it through a