

目前顯示的是 10月, 2013的文章


She fooled all of her friends into thinking she's so strong, 她欺騙了她所有的朋友 他們以為她很堅強 but she still sleeps with her light on, 但她其實還要開著夜燈才睡得著 and she acts like 她表現的像 It's all right on, as she smiles again and her mother lies there sick with cancer, 一切都沒事 然後向她臥病在床的母親再次微笑 and her friends don't understand her, 她的朋友並不理解 she's a question without answers, 她就像一個沒有答案的謎題 who feels like falling apart. 而她正在分崩離析 She knows, she's so much more than worthless, 而她知道 她並不是毫無價值的 but she needs to find her purpose, 但她需要找到她的目標 she wonders what she did to deserve this and.. 她不知道她作了甚麼才會值得這一切… [Chorus:] She's calling out to you, this is a call; this is a call out, 她正呼喊著你 呼喊著 召喚著 'Cause everytime I fall down, I reach out to you, 因為每次當我跌倒 我向你伸出手求援 and I'm losing all control now, and my hazard signs are all out, 我已經失去控制 我已瀕臨邊緣 I'm asking you, to show me what this life is all about. 我需要你告訴我 人生到底是甚麼 He tells everyone a story, 他告訴大家一個個編造的故事 because he


 Darling, what's your name and can you hear me? 親愛的 告訴我的名字以及你是否能聽見我 Tell me why you're out so late alone 告訴我為甚麼深夜獨自一人 The diamonds sparkle in your face, I hold you 當我抱著你 鑽石的光澤在你面容上閃耀 The gravel glistens black and red below 礫石也閃著紅黑光芒 Hollow, you drift into the night 空洞一片-你在黑夜裡載浮載沉 Hollow girl 一片空洞的女孩 When I close my eyes, I see you 當我閉上雙眼 你出現在我視線裡 When I close my eyes, you're here 當我閉上眼睛 你就在這裡 In the dead of the night, I feel you 在深沉的黑夜裡 我感覺到你 When I open my eyes, you disappear 當我睜開雙眼 你卻消失無蹤 The metal wraps itself around your bones 金屬彎曲包裹著你的骨頭 And when it penetrates you, it feels cold 當它穿透你的身子 一切如此冰冷刺骨 As you were born, you leave this world alone 當你降生時 你拋諸這個世界於腦後 A stranger on an unfamiliar road 好比陌生人行走於陌路之上 The droning engine sings your Hallelujah 嗡嗡的引擎聲唱著哈利路亞 The broken headlamp lights your path to God 破碎的前燈照亮著神的道路 Hollow, you drift into the light 空洞一片-你在黑夜裡載浮載沉 Hollow girl 心房空洞的女孩 But when I close my eyes, I see you 但當我閉上雙眼 我看