

目前顯示的是 9月, 2019的文章

nf - hate myself 中文歌詞

哇,上一篇文章正好停留在NF欸,巧。 —— I don't see you like I should 我不再像往常那樣注視著你 You look so misunderstood 看起來沒有人了解真正的你 And I wish I could help 我真希望我能幫上忙 But it's hard when I hate myself 但我連自己都喜歡不了 Pray to God with my arms open 我敞開雙臂向上帝祈禱 If this is it, then I feel hopeless 如果事情只能這樣,那一切都將如此絕望 And I wish I could help 我希望我能做點甚麼 But it's hard when I hate myself 但我甚至痛恨著自己 [Verse 1] Yeah, late nights are the worst for me 夜晚是我最不能承受的 They bring out the worst in me 他們帶出了最糟的我 Mind runnin', got me feelin' like it hurts to think 思緒奔馳著,彷彿就連思考都讓人頭痛 If this is all that I wanted, I don't want it, gotta be more for me 如果這就是我曾追求的,那我不要了 我想要更多  All the core beliefs 所有的這些核心價值 And every mornin' I wake up and feel like I am not worth it 'cause I'm at war with peace 但每個自我懷疑的早晨 醒來時卻又身陷在找回平靜的戰爭中  I go to Hell, walk up to the corpse of me 我行經地獄 走近了自己的屍體 Look at the body like, "You ain't nothin' but poor and weak" 看著那軀殼說"你除了弱小跟可憐之外甚麼都沒有"