

目前顯示的是 8月, 2013的文章


I don't know why she's with me 我不知道為甚麼她還要跟我在一起 I only brought her trouble since the day she met me 自從我遇到她的那天開始 我就只給她帶來麻煩 If I was her, by now I would have left me 如果我是她 我一定離開這個男人 I would have walked away 我一定走得遠遠的 But now I've broken away 然而現在我已經被擊碎 Somehow instead she forgave me 不知怎地 她沒有原諒我 She said a woman's got to do what she's got to do 她說身為一個女人 她已作了所有她能作的 Even if it means she denied herself the truth 即使這代表著她向自己否認了真像 Cause when you're in too deep you wake up when it's too late, 因為當你陷的太深 試著掙脫一切卻已經太遲 You've fallen in love in the worst way 你以最糟糕的方式墜入愛河 And if you don't go now then you'll stay 如果不現在離開 你大概永遠也不會離開了  Cause I'll never let you leave, never let you breathe 因為我永遠也不會讓你離開 Cause if you're looking for heaven, baby it sure as hell ain't me 因為如果你在尋找愛的天堂 天啊我很確那一定不是我 So walk away 離開吧 [Walk away] Walk away, oh 走得遠遠的 Save yourself from the heartache, oh 把你自己從痛苦中拯救出來 Go now before it's too late


在開始前,我要破例寫下註解。 這首歌的歌名即為失寵之意,但整首歌看下來他並沒有被誰寵幸,或者需要誰的恩惠。故我將他理解成FALL FROM GRACE單純只是描述一個糟糕的負面情況。 歌曲第一句話跟第二句是相應的,你拋給我的救命繩已經到了末端,而我必須緊抓著。最後幾句的You're at the end of your rope描述的人似乎已經不同,這意味著你已無法進退的絕望情況下。  At the end of your rope 在你垂下的繩索末端 Hanging by a thread 我的生命繫於此繩 He'd give anything for this to just go away 我願放棄一切只為遠離 This grip is only so strong 這支配我們的事物如此強烈 I try to hold on tightly 我試著緊握一切 But it's all slipping through my fingers 但萬物皆從我指尖滑落 And I feel a moment, aspirations betray 而某一個瞬間 我感覺我的心智背棄了我 Eyes that once beamed with hope now only stare in remorse 曾經滿溢希望的雙眼現在緊盯著悔恨 Even through this pain 即使經過這些痛苦 I will feel again 我會再次感受 Even through these tears 即使經歷這些眼淚 I will love again 愛會再次顯露 Even through this pain 即使有過這些痛楚 I will feel again 我會再次活著 Even through these tears 即使流過這些淚水 I will love again 愛會再次顯露 There will be no pity 不會在有憐憫 There will be no sorrow 也不會再有傷痛 For today these hands may tremble 即使今天我雙手發顫 But this heart will never give