

目前顯示的是 7月, 2012的文章


There's a war inside you 你的內心天人交戰 And I can't escape the ground 而我無法逃離這是非之地 I'm losing my lifeline 我失去我的惟一生機 Because you just can't face the truth 只因為你就是無法面對現實 Your face deceives me 你的面容欺騙了我 You tie me with your words 你用你的言語緊捆我 Fall on your own stones 當在你的人生中失足 But still it's my mistake 我卻感到自責 Forgive me... Forgive me for your sins... 原諒我...因你的罪原諒我... I want to ease your pain 我想舒緩你的痛苦 But you turn your head away 你卻將我的手推開 I found you in your rain 我在雨中找到你 But you can't find me 但你無法找到我 This stupid game we're playing 我們沉溺於這蠢遊戲 You know we both will lose 你知道,我們都是輸家 Locking all your doors 你鎖上房門 No one gets in, no one gets out 沒有人出得去,沒有人進得來 Please release the rope that holds me 解放我的綑綁 So I can reach your mind 如此我將找到你的心 There's something holding me 但卻有些事阻礙我 Oh, there's someone holding me 喔,有些人阻撓我 Forgive me... Forgive me for your words... 原諒我…原諒我對你說過的… I want to ease your pain 我想舒緩你的痛苦 But you turn your h


正當我以為這又是一首莫名其妙,亂七八糟的歌時……我錯了! 看過JIMMY維基介紹的人就知道,吉米的女朋友在2002年自殺了,吉米遭受了很大的打擊。所以我猜想這首歌就是在想這件事,而歌詞看來也是這樣。 I thought that I could save you with a song 我以為我可以用一首歌挽留你 I was wrong, so wrong 我是錯的,真的錯了 I thought that I could keep you when I'm gone 我以為當我離去後可以一直記著你 I was wrong, so wrong 我錯了,錯得離譜 Tonight I'm coming for you 今晚我將為你前來 So take all you can carry 所以收拾行李吧 Spend my life running for you 我的一生為你而活 And darling, I won't let you go 親愛的,我不想你離開我 Darling, I won't let you go 親愛的,我不會讓你離開 I wanted to believe in you 我想相信於你 Because life was almost gone 因為生命如此脆弱易逝 I wanted to hear you say you were wrong 我想聽到你承認自己的錯誤 Because I was wrong for so long 因為這麼久以來我都誤解了 Tonight I'm coming for you 今晚我將為你前來 So take all you can carry 所以收拾行李吧 Spend my life running for you 我的一生為你而活 And darling, I won't let you go 親愛的,我不會讓你離開 Darling, I won't let you go 親愛的,我不想你離開我 The seeds are in the grass 土地裡的種子正蔓發 And when it seems like it will pass 當你以為它們永遠無法長大時