

目前顯示的是 11月, 2013的文章


They ask me am I okay, 他們問我好不好 They ask me if I'm happy 他們問我開不開心 Are they asking me that because of the shit that's been thrown at me 他們關心我 只是因為最近發生太多鳥事 Or am I just a little snappy 或者只是我表現的太堅強 And they genuinely care 他們真的關心嗎 Doody, most of my life its just been me and you there Doody 我大部分的人生都圍繞在你我之間 and I continuosly stare at pictures of you 而現在我開始盯著你的照片看 I never gotta say I love you as much as I wanted to but I do 我很想 但我從來沒有說過我愛你 Yeah I say it now and you can't hear me, 現在我說了 你卻聽不見我 What the fuck good does that do me now, 操他媽的這樣作有什麼好處呢 But somehow I know you're near me in presence 但誰知道呢 或許你正在我旁邊傾聽 Oh, I went and dropped some presents off easter to them 啊 我在復活節那天發了一些禮物 Two little beautiful boys of yours to try to ease their minds a little 或許有兩個男孩會收到禮物 而這會讓他們感覺好過一些 And dawg you'll never believe this but Sharonda actually talks to me now 你大概不會相信 但你老婆現在正在跟我講話 Jesus and everyone else is just tryna pick up the pieces 耶穌跟其他人試著收持殘局 Man how c


She is everywhere I go 她存在於每個我去過的地方 Everyone I see 在每個人身上我都看到她的影子 Winter's gone and I still can't sleep 冬天走了  我仍然無法入睡 Summer's on the way 夏天近了 At least that's what they say 至少其他人是這樣說的 But these clouds won't leave 但烏雲還是圍繞著我 Walk away 走的遠遠地 Barely breathing 我秉住呼吸 As I'm lying on the floor 當我躺在地上 Take my heart 當你離開時 As you're leaving 拿走我的心 I don't need it anymore 反正我不再需要 This is the memory 這是我的記憶 This is the curse of having 這是我們的詛咒 Too much time to think about it 我無法停止想著它 It's killing me 這讓我太難受 This is the last time 這是最後一次 This is my forgiveness 這是我的寬恕 This is endless 這是永遠的 Now spring has brought the rain 春天帶來了雨水 But I still see your face 但你的臉孔仍舊清晰 And I can not escape the past 我無法逃離過去 Creeping up inside 痛苦翻騰的內心 Reminding me that I 提醒了我 Can never bring you back 你永遠也不會回來了 This is the memory 這是我的記憶 This is the curse of having 這是我擁有的詛咒 Too much time to think about it 我無法停止思考 It's killing me


這個....阿姆的歌詞沒有中譯我還蠻訝異的,不過可能是因為這首歌很舊了的關係。 這也證明了大多數台灣人的音樂品味就是跟流行亂聽。 先來講下這首歌的時空背景,這首歌之所叫做谷底,正是因為阿姆在寫這首歌時已經很靠近的他女兒的生日,而他正好被開除了身上大約只有四十美元。這讓我很訝異,但我想這也是為甚麼阿姆對人生谷底的觀察這麼透徹。 這首歌獻給那些快樂的人 那些擁有完好人生的人 還有那些沒嘗過破碎的一蹋糊塗的滋味的人 I feel like I'm walking a tight rope, without a circus net 我感覺我正走在鋼索上 還沒有任何保護措施 I'm popping percocets, I'm a nervous wreck 我的藥癮發作 讓我身體緊繃的要命 I deserve respect; but I work a sweat for this worthless check 我應該值得一點尊重:但我工作的要命 領著微薄的薪水 Bout to burst this tech, at somebody to reverse this debt 我手上握著半自動手槍 或許我應該用它來解決我的經濟困境 Minimum wage got my adrenaline caged 最低工資真是讓我他媽有夠不爽 Full of venom and rage 人生簡直是一團毒液 憤怒充斥著我 Especially when I'm engaged 尤其是當我發現 And my daughter's down to her last diaper 我的女兒只剩最後一片尿布 That's got my ass hyper 這壓力超過我所能負荷 I pray that god answers, maybe I'll ask nicer 我向上帝要求答案 但或許我的口氣應該好一點 Watching ballers while they flossing in their pathfinders 看著其他人開著高級日產車 These overnight stars becoming autograph signers 看著那一些夜之間成名的


Sick with myself, but I've got no one else, 就連我自己也讓我作嘔 可是我沒有人可以依靠 So I give it to myself it's the only thing that helps 所以放自己一馬吧 這是唯一讓我感覺好過一點的事 It's the same thing this pain thing that keeps me from sleeping 一陳不變的痛苦讓我無法入睡 And screaming that God I must be mother-fucking dreaming 窗外傳來的尖叫 上帝告訴我他媽是在作夢吧 And I can rest in peace and at least cease to be 如果我能永遠安眠至少我就能 Cease to see those things in me that make me wanna cease to breathe 不再去看那些在我體內讓我想要死去的醜陋 And ceased to need and ceased to feed, sickness thats in me 不再需要去餵養 我體內的疾病 This is all that I can be, I can't breathe as I bleed 這就是我的全部了 當我流血不停連呼吸也變得困難 [Chorus:] I dont know why I cut myself, God, give me a sign or help 我真不知道我為甚麼傷害自己 上帝給我一點指示或幫助吧 I wont cry it'll be fine, I'll take my last breath 一切都會好轉的我不會再哭了 我只剩最後一口氣 Push it out my chest 'till theres nothing left 把我的胸口淘空直到那裡只剩一片空洞 I know that my minds near the end, God, I hurt myself and fell 我知道一切都在終點不遠處了 我卻仍舊傷害自己而不停墜落 I wont cry it