

They ask me am I okay,
They ask me if I'm happy
Are they asking me that because of the shit that's been thrown at me
他們關心我 只是因為最近發生太多鳥事
Or am I just a little snappy
And they genuinely care
Doody, most of my life its just been me and you there
Doody 我大部分的人生都圍繞在你我之間
and I continuosly stare at pictures of you
I never gotta say I love you as much as I wanted to but I do
我很想 但我從來沒有說過我愛你
Yeah I say it now and you can't hear me,
現在我說了 你卻聽不見我
What the fuck good does that do me now,
But somehow I know you're near me in presence
但誰知道呢 或許你正在我旁邊傾聽
Oh, I went and dropped some presents off easter to them
啊 我在復活節那天發了一些禮物
Two little beautiful boys of yours to try to ease their minds a little
或許有兩個男孩會收到禮物 而這會讓他們感覺好過一些
And dawg you'll never believe this but Sharonda actually talks to me now
你大概不會相信 但你老婆現在正在跟我講話
Jesus and everyone else is just tryna pick up the pieces
Man how could you touch so many fucking lives and just leave us
老兄 我是你最好的朋友诶 你就這樣離開
They say grievance has a way of affecting everyone different
If it's true how the fuck am I supposed to get over you,
如果這是真的 我他媽應該怎麼忘記你呢?
Difficult as it sounds...

Doody, that's what we call each other, I don't know where it came from
Doody 我們是這麼稱呼彼此的 我也不知道怎麼開始的
But it just stuck with us, we was always brothers
但事情就就是這樣了 我們是永遠的兄弟
Never thought about each other's skin colours
'Til one day we was walking up the block in the summer
It was like 90 degrees I was catching a sun burn
大概有三十幾度吧 我感覺都要曬傷了
Tryna walk under the trees just to give me some comfort
我故意走在陰影下 好讓自己感覺好過一些
I'm moaning I just wanna get home when I look over and your shirt is off
我呻吟著我想回家 當我看到你赤裸上身
I'm like you gonna fry and you're like, "No I won't, I'm black stupid
Black people they got melatonin
In their skin don't burn," meanwhile my face is glowing and I felt
Like I'm on fire and the entire time you're just laughing at me
好像我正在燃燒 而你只是不停笑我
And snapping at me with your shirt, bastard
然後你用你的衣服不停打我 混蛋
And I still have to get you back for that shit
And by the way them Playboy rings, my mother stole from you
Well Nate finally got 'em back shit
It musta been at least 16 years ago, well I put 'em in your cask-oww
那大概是十六年前的事吧 我會把那些手環放進你的棺材裡的
Moving past it, it still ain't registered yet
時間還在推移 但我卻不能完全接受
But you can bet your legacy they'll never forget
The Motor City, Motown, hip hop vet, Hip Hop Shop, dreads
汽車之城 唱片公司 嘻哈老手 舉行饒舌爭霸的地方 還有你的髮辮
It don't stop there, yeah, as difficult as it sounds
我跟你之間的友情可以讓我說個沒完 耶 聽起來真的很難吧...

And this may sound a little strange but I'mma tell it
這件事聽起來可能有點詭異 不過我還是要說
I found that jacket that you left at my wedding
And I picked it up to smell it
我把頭埋在裡面 嗅聞到你的味道
I wrapped it up in plastic until I put it in glass
我把它用塑膠袋裹好 再用玻璃櫃鎖著
And hang it up in the hallway so I can always look at it
掛在走廊上 好讓我能每天看到
And as for all of me and D12 we feel like fuck rap
至從你離開之後 我跟D12幾乎都分崩離析
It feels like our General just fucking died in our lap
We shut off all our pagers,
All our cell numbers has changed
Our two-ways are in the trash
So some cats will have to find a new way
And I know that it feels like the dreams will die with you today
而我知道 我感覺所有的美好記憶都與你一同死去了
But the truth is there all still here and you ain't
但事實就是 它們仍然存在
Purple Gang, you gotta keep pressing on
Purple Gang 你得讓他們繼續下去
Don't ever give up the dream dawg,
兄弟 別放棄夢想
I got love for you all
And Doody, it's true you bought people together who never
Doody 你確實讓許多人團結在一起
Woulda been in the same room if it wasn't for you
如果不是你 他們甚至不會共處一室
You were the peacemaker Doody,
I know sometimes you were moody
But you hated confrontation
And truly hated the feuding
But you were down for yours whenever it came to scrapping
但只要你的朋友有難 你總是義不容辭的出手
If it had to happen, it had to happen
如果事情發生了 它不得不發生
Believe me, I know you're the one who taught me to
相信我 我知道你就是那個教會我
Throw them balls back on Dresden
From making cars to paintballing
Getting arrested
To sitting across from each other in cells laughing and jesting
They tried to hit us for 5 years for that, no question
警察試著追捕我們五年了 我敢肯定
I guess them hookers and bums that we shot up
Didn't show up for court
So we got off on a technicality, left sweating
所以我們平安下了警車 還緊張得直冒汗
Me, you and what's his face
你跟我 還有一個我連長相都記不起來的傢伙
I forgot his fucking name
Shame he even came to your funeral
真該死 他甚至在你的葬禮上露面
He betrayed our team
And if I see him again I'ma punch him in the fucking face
如果再我看到他一次 我一定會一拳打在他該死的臉上
And that's on Hallie Jade, Whitney Lane and Alaina's name
I let the pistol bang once just to leak a shot in the air
我向空中鳴槍 讓槍響聲紀念你
For you and pour some liquor out for you with Obie in the parking lot of 54
在你被槍殺的那個俱樂部旁的停車場 我向地板上倒了些酒
Just before we were supposed to get in cars To come and see you once more
Difficult as it sounds...


nf - hate myself 中文歌詞

哇,上一篇文章正好停留在NF欸,巧。 —— I don't see you like I should 我不再像往常那樣注視著你 You look so misunderstood 看起來沒有人了解真正的你 And I wish I could help 我真希望我能幫上忙 But it's hard when I hate myself 但我連自己都喜歡不了 Pray to God with my arms open 我敞開雙臂向上帝祈禱 If this is it, then I feel hopeless 如果事情只能這樣,那一切都將如此絕望 And I wish I could help 我希望我能做點甚麼 But it's hard when I hate myself 但我甚至痛恨著自己 [Verse 1] Yeah, late nights are the worst for me 夜晚是我最不能承受的 They bring out the worst in me 他們帶出了最糟的我 Mind runnin', got me feelin' like it hurts to think 思緒奔馳著,彷彿就連思考都讓人頭痛 If this is all that I wanted, I don't want it, gotta be more for me 如果這就是我曾追求的,那我不要了 我想要更多  All the core beliefs 所有的這些核心價值 And every mornin' I wake up and feel like I am not worth it 'cause I'm at war with peace 但每個自我懷疑的早晨 醒來時卻又身陷在找回平靜的戰爭中  I go to Hell, walk up to the corpse of me 我行經地獄 走近了自己的屍體 Look at the body like, "You ain't nothin' but poor and weak" 看著那軀殼說"你除了弱小跟可憐之外甚麼都沒有"

NF WHY 中文歌詞

我原本懶得翻的因為很簡單 但看了解析覺得太屌了,網友分析的非常有道理,這首歌就是他的自問自答,所以我完全是照那個網友的思路翻譯的 我把他的一問一答用空格分開,所以你會看到他一句有自信一句又變的消極 Yeah, what's your definition of success? (ay) 你對成功的定義是甚麼? I don't trust the thoughts that come inside my head (woo) 我不相信那些瀰漫在腦海的胡思亂想 I don't trust this thing that beats inside my chest 也不相信在我胸腔裡的每個心跳震顫 Who I am and who I wanna be cannot connect; 真正的我跟我想成為的永遠無法有交集 why? 為甚麼? Don't think I deserve it? 我不覺得我值得 -  You get no respect (woo)I just made a couple mil', 你需要振作起來繼續努力 still not impressed 仍舊毫無進展 - Let You Down goes triple platinum, “Let You Down”拿了三倍白金唱片欸  yeah, okay, okay, I guess (ay) 好啦好啦 隨你說 Smile for a moment then these questions startin' to fill my head, 但正當我開始感到好過一點 那些疑問又都回來了 not again! 別又來了! - I push away the people that I love the most; 我把我深愛的人都推的遠遠的 why? (woo) 為何? - I don't want no one to know I'm vulnerable; 我不想要他們知道我有多脆弱 why? (woo) 為甚麼? - That makes me feel weak and so uncomfortable

NF & Sasha Sloan - Only 中文歌詞

 也是邊聽邊翻  這歌詞量比較大 今晚,我不可能是那唯一孤單一人的/ 我不可能是唯一的/ 有誰跟我有一樣的感覺/ 舉個手吧,不需要很多人/ 我只是想要找個伴,帶給內心平靜/ 為甚麼你們在扔石頭/ 噢,所以你們想要殺死我的夢想/ 好吧,告訴我所有那些我未能成為的/ 你以為我不知道嗎/ 我看起來總是有點迷失,到現在都還是/ 生命真的很艱難,但沒關係/ 看著這些留言,感覺我好像在開庭日/ 但我又怎麼能抱怨/ 看看我坐擁的房子,還有停在車道裡的車子/ 有半數我說過的話/ 感覺都好像做夢一樣不真實/ 總有一天我會從夢中清醒,那時我會希望我 有更頻繁禱告,花更多時間在我的信仰上/ 在我的腦海裡漫遊,哇,結果發現到處都是損傷沒一點好事/ 那些我堅持的事/ 但我不會輕易提起那些我不願意放手的/ 所以我把我的靈魂緊緊鍊在破碎的心上/ 祝你有個美好的一天 這在我的情況裡倒很少見/ 不喜歡迎面而來的照相機;這些崇拜之情都是假的/ 愛我的工作,但我在這裡可能有點格格不入/ 因為我討厭出名/ 痛苦困擾著我;向我扔出種種威脅/ 他們不知道;斷開與我的聯繫;這真的影響著我/ 把一切都藏好;他們寄支票給我/ 卻從來沒有問我好不好/ 一直以來我都在疑問著/ 接下來還會是甚麼/ 我不可能是唯一一個…/ 今晚,我不可能是那唯一孤單一人的/ 我不可能是唯一的/ 如果要你列出一張清單上面寫著你信任的人/ 你自己會在名單上嗎/ 你知道自己是誰嗎/ 當你回首自己的人生/ 你感到驕傲嗎/ 你會留下一個印記/ 還是你只害怕給人留下壞印象/ 所以你寧可躲在黑暗中/ 活著然後自知/ 明天醒來時悔恨會捲土從來/ 那就是如此的規律,不是嗎/ 不知道我們在追逐甚麼;但我們就是追得起勁/ 就是人生的一部分,我猜我們都很愚蠢/ 追逐著我們自認為能帶來快樂的事物,直到它們從我們手中分崩離析/ 接著我們才發現這不是我們要的/ 所以我們就放棄了,任內心的垃圾堆積起來/ 看著它增長/ 然後我們在其中找到麻木的藥物/ 直到我們麻木到無法運轉/ 我對這些事有動力嗎 我的音樂是過時的嗎/ 如果我開始服用藥物我還會是同樣的我嗎/ 即使諮商師說我需要服藥治療/ 我還是盡可能避免 因為我很害怕/ 我是唯一一個手裡拿著已上膛的槍的人嗎/ 槍裡裝填的是我需要克服的疑問與記憶/ 當他們向我射擊時我止不住抱怨/ 但其實我知道 是我上膛的 然後讓他們.../